An artist based in the Shetland Islands
There are four galleries of images which cover some of the main themes in my work over the last ten years. A further gallery is an archive of past work.
RECENT WORK is mainly of paintings relating to the Shetland landscape, its seasonal variations and weather.
ELEMENTAL is work associated with visits to Iceland and explores that landscape through more experimental paintings using a wide variety of techniques including airbrush, surface textures and ice.
STILLNESS & FLOW is an ongoing series exploring the physical effects of watercolour in relation to the theme of water, geology, unpeopled landscapes and the environment.
AUSTRALIA is a small gallery of paintings influenced by several trips to that vast country and explores texture and colour through handmade paint and pigment
ARCHIVE is of work completed prior to 2018

Unless otherwise indicated all the work shown on these pages is available for sale. As a rough guide the 70x50 cm paintings are priced at £800 unmounted and unframed. UK postage and packing are included in that price and the work is sent by wide diameter postal tube. Postage to other countries is available at cost. Remittance advice is also available. If you would like to enquire about or purchase a painting please use my CONTACT details.